ADCH Ryder

Congratulations Cindy & Ryder on completing your USDAA ADCH title this weekend at DASH’s College Station trial. Ryder needed one more Pairs Q to complete his title and it was none other than, Catherine and Paint that provided the last leg. And just to prove he really is a stellar dog, Ryder decided to follow up his ADCH by winning the 16″ Grand Prix class.
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USDAA BRAT Show—Feb 8-10, 2013

Karen & Jake
In their very FIRST show Karen & Jake earned a Q in Standard and a Jumpers Q.

Cindy Murray, Ryder & Zenna
Ryder helped the Moore’s get their Team Q with Meg (handled by Connie Lowe) and Buc-ee (handled by Debbie Moore). He also placed 1st in Grand Prix for a much needed bye for Kerrville’s Regional in April. Team Cowboy Beanies, Zenna and Emmitt (handled by Gayle Check), earned a Performance Versatility Pairs Q.

Tom Murray, Abbey & Kaci
Teams Dos Locos, Abbey and Jack (handled by Nicole Lariosa), earned their Performance Versatility Pairs Q. Abbey also earned her second Steeplechase Q which qualified her for the 2013 Cynosport Games. Kaci earned a Adavnce Gamblers 1st, Starters Jumpers 1st and a Starters Pair Q

Shannon Grimes, Star & Rocky
Star earned a Q in Master Gamblers Sunday and a Q & 3rd in Snooker Sunday. Rocky finally got a Q in Standard!!!!!! He also Q’d and had 1st place finishes twice in Starters Jumpers and finally got his Title.

Star and Rocky

Connie Lowe & Meg
Meg’s team, with Buc-ee (handled by Debbie Moore) and Ryder (handled by Cindy Murray), earned a Team Q with a stellar 2nd place performance in Team Relay. Meg also earned a Q in Team Gamblers.

Judy Wallace, Trey & Jett
Judy and Trey earned their Starters Standard Title and a Q in Masters Gamblers, depsite his brother, Jett, bolting into the ring and trying to run the gamble with him. Jett earned two titles. He finished his Starters Pairs and his Starters Gamblers title as well as two 1st place finishes in Starters Jumpers.


Gayle Check & Emmitt
Gayle and Emmitt earned a Team Q with Cindy Murray and Zenna (Team Cowboy Beanies).

Margo Harding, Mia & Bullitt
Mia was 8/8 and earned three titles. Bullitt (her Velcro dog) did his gamble which she really did not expect.

Nicole Lariosa & Jack
Jack earned his Performance Versatility Pairs Q on Team Dos Locos with Tom Murray & Abbey. He also finished off his Performance Gambler Master title, placed 1st and Qed in the first round of Steeplechase and picked up a few other Qs along the way.